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Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Dr. Tony Help You?
My goal each day it to help my patients improve the quality of their life. By helping them achieve better digestion, better sleep, improve the levels of hormones, energy, comfort and overall happiness they see more quality in their everyday lives. What can I help you with?
Getting to the Root Cause of Your Symptoms
As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I know that symptoms are just an indication of a problem and by just treating the symptoms you are simply masking the real problem. Using Functional Medicine, I have learned the proper steps to take to identify the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing and work to resolve them.
Where Do We Start?
The first step is to complete some homework – an in-depth health and family history. This gives me a starting point and a direction to take. From there I can see if we need any diagnostic testing to rule out food sensitivities, viral, bacterial, parasitic or yeast involvement, mold, toxins, heavy metals and more. Based on the lab results we develop a treatment plan.
I also encourage and recommendsupplementsto support your body but supplements alone cannot replace a diet that is not balanced. Juice smoothies, protein shakes, inconsistent fasting and fad diets work against your body and cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. I have a plan that can help!!
How Can We Help Make Changes?
It is best to start with a base of lab testing. I will always remember one of my college professors telling us “To see is to know, not to see is to guess.” You’ve already been to many practitioners that have been guessing. It’s time to get some concrete data. Once we are armed with great evidence the really hard work begins. This will require changes in diet and lifestyle. I also have supplements and vitamins that I recommend that have been specifically formulated for patients with complex health issues. These will be adjusted and changed over time as needed. Making these improvements will make monumental changes in your health and overall, well-being.
In the end, it is up to YOU to make the necessary changes.You must be committed to make these changes or we will just be spinning our wheels. I am here to guide you along the way but only you can take back your health and your life. I have seen many patients do it. You can read about some of them below!
Can I Speak With You In Person?
Yes, I speak with all of my patients in person. I receive your questionnaires, lab results and emails myself and make all evaluations and assessments. I have a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach on staff that may call to check in with you to see how you are doing but will refer you to me for any concerns. All follow-up appointments will be with me in person.
Where Can I Get High Quality Supplements?
If you prefer not to do a consult or if you have your own practitioner guiding you,feel free to signup for an account at my online supplement storewholebodysupport.com. Here you can find the highest-quality, professional grade supplements that I recommend. These are not discount supplements, only the best. There is definitely a difference. I only charge suggested retail and do not inflate my prices. They are priced much less than Amazon.
You can also search for Wellness Programsthat can help you with basic conditions – thyroid support, allergies, candida, viruses, sleep issues, anxiety, digestion and adrenal fatigue to name a few. These packages are available at a 10% discount. Some of the products require you to obtain a login to access their information.